Professor Chander publishes the Cambridge Companion to Romanticism and Race
Posted in Announcement | Tagged Department of English, Faculty, Faculty Publications

The department is excited to announce the publication of the Cambridge Companion to Romanticism and Race, edited by Manu Chander. The Companion collects thirteen essays that show how the very terms that have long defined Romanticism – revolution and radicalism, poetry and “powerful feeling,” the solitary self and the social world – were shaped by a changing global order in which race figured centrally. Professor Chander describes the volume as “less as a collection of individual essays than a single collective essay spread across multiple chapters” and notes in his introduction to the book that both romanticism and race “acquire meaning via other concepts taking shape in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, such as ‘blackness,’ ‘whiteness,’ ‘sovereignty,’ ‘property,’ and ‘freedom.’” Chander’s book is the latest addition to the Cambridge Companion series, which offers students and non-specialists access to cutting-edge scholarship on urgent scholarly topics.