
The Department of English is enriched and supported through its relationships with the diverse academic, literary, and scholarly programs and organizations listed below. Our faculty direct, teach in, or otherwise contribute to each of these entities, and our students benefit both academically and professionally from these partnerships.

Please view each program’s webpage for more information.

Non-Academic Partners

The Office of the Student Ombuds (OSO) is an independent, impartial, informal, voluntary, and confidential resource for students. We provide a safe space to voice concerns and navigate academic and interpersonal challenges. The OSO welcomes every sex, gender, race, creed, age, nationality, disability, and other human experiences, ensuring all students feel valued. We listen, support, explore options, and empower students to make their own choices. Our services help students gain clarity, develop communication skills, and find constructive solutions, enhancing their overall university experience and well-being. Visit our Office of the Student Ombuds website for more information.