Emeritus Faculty

Paul Betz
Email: betzp(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Gay Gibson Cima
Research Specialties: 18th and 19th Century Feminist Performance History and Theory; Critical Race Theory; Early American Black Women Activists
Email: cimag(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Hubert (Hugh) Cloke
Email: clokeh(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Michael Collins
Research Specialties: Shakespeare and Anglo-Welsh Poetry of the 20th-Century; Shakespeare; Modern British Drama; Medieval/Renaissance Drama
Email: collinmj(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Barbara Feinman Todd
Research Specialties: Investigative Reporting; Voice; Memoir
Email: feinmanb(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Leona Fisher
Email: fisherl(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Pamela Fox
Research/Teaching Specialties: American and British Working-Class Literature and Culture; Country Music; Feminist Theory; Literature by Women; Transracial and Transnational Adoption; Motherhood Memoirs and Literature
Email: foxp(at)georgetown(dot)edu

John C. Hirsh (He/Him/His)
Research/Teaching Specialties: Medieval Literature; Chaucer; Religious and Secular Lyrics; Medieval Spirituality; Mysticism; Late Medieval Devotion; 19th-Century American Literature; Urban Literacy

Joan Holmer
Email: joan.holmer(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Lucy Maddox
Research Specialties: Slavery and Free Black People in the Mid-Atlantic Region
Email: maddoxl(at)georgetown(dot)edu

George O’Brien
Research Specialties: Irish Literature 1800–Present; Autobiography
Email: obrieng1(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Patricia O’Connor
Email: patricia.oconnor(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Lena Cowen Orlin
Research/Teaching Specialties: Shakespeare; Renaissance Drama
Email: orlin(at)georgetown(dot)edu

John Pfordresher
Research Specialties: 19th-Century British literature; Catholic Studies: the Catholic Imagination
Email: pfordrej(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Jason Rosenblatt
Research Specialties: 17th Century English Literature & History: John Milton & John Seldon; Biblical Narrative; Literature and Religion; Literature and History
Email: jason.rosenblatt(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Joseph Sitterson
Email: sittersj(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Penn Szittya
Email: szittyap(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Norma Tilden
Research Specialties: Writing and Writing Pedagogy; Nonfiction Prose; Contemporary Essay; Nature Writing; Ecocriticism
Email: tildenn(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Dennis Todd
Research Specialties: 18th-Century British and American Literature; William Byrd
Email: toddd(at)georgetown(dot)edu

Kelley Wickham-Crowley
Research/Teaching Specialties: Old English and Early Middle English Literature; Intersections of Physical and Intellectual Culture; Early Medieval Archaeology of the British Isles; Feminist and Gender Theory and Medieval Sexualities; Anglo-Saxon Architecture; Laamon’s Brut (12th century verse history of Britain and Arthur); J.R.R. Tolkien’s Writings; Fantasy and Science Fiction
Email: wickhamk(at)georgetown(dot)edu