Writing Awards

Each year Georgetown students are eligible to submit entries for the following writing awards.
See submission guidelines below.

For short fiction that demonstrates technical skill and promise in the art of the short story or narrative (no longer than 7,500 words; open to seniors only, in any college or program).

(Cash award & one year membership to the Academy of American Poets)

For the most outstanding poem or group of poems (a “group” may not consist of more than five poems; any group of poems should be saved together in one PDF; open to undergraduate and graduate students).

For the best essay on any topic in the discipline of English (no longer than 5,000 words; open to juniors and seniors only).

For the best essay on Shakespearean drama (no longer than 5,000 words; open to undergraduates only).

For excellence in writing in any genre except drama (no longer than 7,500 words; fiction, nonfiction and poetry; open to College freshmen, sophomores, and juniors only).

Submission Guidelines

Entries not adhering to all of the guidelines will be automatically disqualified.

  1. Entries should be submitted through  the Writing Awards 2024 Submission Google Form
  2. The form will ask for the following identifying information:
    • Your Name
    • Your School (e.g. COL, SFS, etc…)
    • Year of Graduation
    • Email Address
    • Phone Number (optional)
    • Mailing Address
    • Name of award(s) you are entering submissions for this year
    • Title of the work(s) submitted
  3. A separate section on the form will ask you to upload a PDF of each of your entries by award.
    • The PDF should include a cover sheet with the title of your entry.
    • DO NOT include your name anywhere in or on the attachment
    • Please save the PDF with the following title format: “Award Name_Title of Entry”
      • i.e. Pendergast_Global Pictures
      • The awards may be abbreviated to the following: Bonner, Pelham, Pendergast, Quicksall, and Wagner

You can submit up to two (2) entries for each award. 

All work must have been written during your time as a Georgetown student. 

Submit entries via this Google Form by Friday, March 1, 2024 @ 11:59PM.

All questions or concerns can be directed to writingawards@georgetown.edu