Caetlin Benson-Allot Publishes New Book— The Stuff of Spectatorship: Material Cultures of Film and Television

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We are excited to share that Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor, Caetlin Benson-Allott had a new book published this week! The work is titled The Stuff of Spectatorship: Material Cultures of Film and Television and is printed by the University of California Press.

“Focusing on material cultures of film and television reception, The Stuff of Spectatorship argues that the things we share space with and consume as we consume television and film influence the meaning we gather from them. This book examines the roles that six different material cultures have played in film and television culture since the 1970s […] and shows how objects considered peripheral to film and television culture are in fact central to its past and future.”

To purchase or read more about the book, visit the UC Press website .

Congratulations, Caetlin!