Event Recap: What’s Next? Great Career Options for Humanities MAs
Posted in Announcement | Tagged Alumni, career panel, EGSA, event, georgetown english, humanities
Commencement is just a few short days from now, and one question that is sure to cross the minds of every future graduate is the inevitable though occasionally nerve-wracking question:
“What’s next?”
Although every student dreams of the day they get to submit their final thesis, pick up their degree, and head out into a world of promise and possibility, the idea of “making it” in a post-pandemic world with a degree in the humanities can sometimes feel discouraging. Fortunately for us, we had the opportunity to sit down with some of our alumni via Zoom last Thursday to hear what they have been up to since graduating, and we were pleased to hear about the diversity of career paths chosen by our alumni. After all, what do a member of the FBI, a former television scriptwriter, a high school English teacher, and a senior VP of a tech company all have in common? The answer: they started their careers right here, as English MAs! To hear the advice and perspectives offered by our amazing panelists, keep scrolling!

To watch a recording of the event, click HERE.
To access the presentation, click HERE.
Interested in connecting with one of our panelists? Please fill out our form, even if you were not originally able to attend. Need career advice? Current graduate students can schedule a free 1:1 career coaching session with the Graduate Career Center. For any further questions about the event, please reach out to Lilly by visiting our staff page. Finally, thank you to our incredible alumni for making this event possible!