Professor Benson-Allott and the editors of JCMS: Journal of Cinema & Media Studies win Distinguished Service Award

Posted in Announcement | Tagged Award, Department of English, English, Faculty, Faculty Publications, News
The department is excited to announce that Dr. Caetlin Benson-Allott and the other editors of JCMS (Journal of Cinema and Media Studies) won a Distinguished Service Award from the Society for Cinema and Media Studies for their work on the journal from 2018 through 2022. As Editor in Chief, Dr. Benson-Allott led the team in changing the name of the journal to better reflect the diverse interests of the society but rewrote its editorial policy, revamped its infrastructure, and changed presses to make the journal more accessible and attractive to historically marginalized scholars and pursue equity in academic publishing. They also put all of the journal’s content online and launched an open-access Fifth Issue to expand the journal’s availability and designed and inaugurated the JCMS Publishing Initiative to support under-represented scholars and scholarship on under-represented media communities.
Congratulations, Professor Benson-Allott!
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