Prof. Mecca Jamilah Sullivan’s novel, BIG GIRL, named Gotham Book Prize finalist

Square image of BIG GIRL cover (bright blue with yellow lettering) beside text of review of BIG GIRL against black.

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The department is excited to announce that Prof. Mecca Jamilah Sullivan’s novel, BIG GIRL has been named a finalist for the 2023 Gotham Book Prize . The Gotham Book Prize is awarded annually to the best book published that calendar year — either fiction or nonfiction — that either is about New York City or takes place in New York City. Deacon King Kong by James McBride was selected as the first annual Gotham Book Prize winner in April 2021. Invisible Child by Andrea Elliott was selected as the second winner in April 2022. This year, the jury will select one winner and the $50,000 prize will be awarded in spring 2023.

Congratulations, Professor Sullivan!

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