Archive: News Story
Joseph Fruscione’s Faulkner and Hemingway Biography of a Literary Rivalry Available Now
Joseph Fruscione's Faulkner and Hemingway Biography of a Literary Rivalry will officially debut in January, but can be pre-ordered through Ohio State Press and!
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Congratulations to: Madeline Collins, Keelin O'Donoghue, and Andrew Waddell
For the past thirty years, The Allegheny Review has published an annual issue featuring the best American undergraduate poetry, fiction, non-fiction and art. This year, three Georgetown undergraduate
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Congratulations to Amelia Hall, Undergraduate Writing Tutor
Undergraduate tutor Amelia Hall (U3) will be giving a paper at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Center Association Conference March 30-31 at Shippensburg University about the use of humor in academic writing.
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Congratulations to Maggie Edson, English MA Alum
Maggie Edson, an alum of Georgetown University's MA program in English, was featured in the NYTimes Arts section this weekend.
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Congratulations to Henry Schwarz and Randy Bass on 20 Years at Georgetown
Vicennial: Late Latin vicennium period of 20 years, from Latin vicies 20 times + annus year; akin to Latin viginti twenty Randy Bass and Henry Schwarz will be recognized at the Spring 2012 Faculty Con
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English Major: Sasha Panaram (C'13)
Spending Spring Break in School by Elizabeth Wilson While many alternative spring breaks focus on service, Panaram wanted to design an “immersion trip” that delved into issues specific to urban
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Sarah McNamer awarded a Distinguished International Visiting Fellowship
Sarah McNamer has been awarded a Distinguished International Visiting Fellowship at the ARC Centre for the History of Emotion, in Australia. It is a four-week fellowship, to be taken in the summer of
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Georgetown University freshman Darryl Robinson featured on the Washington Post Opinion Page
Georgetown University freshman Darryl Robinson, 19, says D.C. schools left him unprepared for the rigors of Georgetown. Robinson's paper for a first-year English class was published in the Washington
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Press Release: 826DC Students to Write Poetry at the White House
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMay 10, 2011 CONTACT: Nell Callahan, WEDNESDAY: 826DC Students to Write Poetry at the White House Four month-long poetry workshop culm
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Gay Cima honored with the Women and Theatre Program's Lifetime Achievement Award
Gay Cima will be honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Women and Theatre Program/Association for Theatre in Higher Education. ATHE is the largest umbrella organization for university the
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